Mutants Genetic Gladiators Slots Jackpot


Mutants Genetic Gladiators Slots Jackpot


Hello!We are Vlad and Andrex.

Here are our breeding combinations.

MutantGenesMutant Combination
Warrior Elite: Warrior + Nordic Knightmare
Nordic Knightmare Breed Warrior + Warrior
Buck Maurice [L]Elite: Buck Maurice + Nordic Knightmare
Zena[L]Elite: Zena + Nordic Knightmare
Blade Banshee [R]Warrior + Zombie
Bushi [R]Specific:Stealth Bot + Zomborg
Ragnar[L]Elite: Ragnar + Leech Lord
Enforcer Warrior + Robot
Interceptrix Specific: Captain Bag o Bones + Terrordoll
General ChaosPvp S19, Elite: General Chaos + Android
Honey Bunny Beast + Warrior
Sagittarius [Z]Shop Only
HaggisPvP S15, Elite: Haggis + Honey Bunny
Battletoad[L]Elite: Battletoad + Honey Bunny
Martian Marauder [R]Alien + Warrior
Galactic Guardian[L]Elite: Galactic Guardian + Bounty Bug
Geminium[Z]No Elite
Valkyrie Warrior + Demon
Thor[L]5mil(Limited), Elite: Thor + Warrior or Demon
Azog[L]Elite: Azog + Nordic Knightmare
Tinker Blade[L]Elite: Tinker Blade + Valkyrie

MutantGenesMutant Combination
Zombie Elite: Zombie + Leech Lord
Jack o Lantern Halloween Special(No Elite)
Dire Despot Zombie + Warrior
Captain BoB [R]Only Nordic Knightmare + Undead Dragon
Micky Krueger[L]Elite: Micky Krueger + Dire Despot
G. Washington[U]No elite
Leech Lord Zombie + Zombie
Crypt Wraith PvP S10, Elites: Crypt Wraith + Leech Lord
Cursed Rider[L]Elite: Cursed Rider + Leech Lord
Zomborg [R]Leech Lord + Android
Terrordoll [R]Specific :Undead Dragon + Reptoid
Triple B-Pack[L]Elite: Triple B-Pack + Dead Bot
The Experiment[L]Elite: The Experiment + Android
Undead Dragon [R]Leech Lord + Beast
Cancernia [Z]Not available(No Elite)
Ghostmonaut Zombie + Alien
HumongousPvP S16, Elite: Humongous + Leech Lord
Baron Lundi Zombie + Demon
Lichlock PvP S6, Elite: Lichlock + Leech Lord
Rammerhead[Z]No Elite

MutantGenesMutant Combinations
Robot Gotten from shop for 500 credits
Garuda[U]Unique and No Elites
C. Wrenchfury [R]Specific Parents:Terrordoll + Bushi
Android Robot + Robot
Goliath Invite 10 new players and get them to level 5
H.U.M.A.N[L]Elite: H.U.M.A.N + Android
Dead Bot Robot + Zombie
Darkseer [R]Specific Parents:Bushi + C. Wrenchfury
XenarachPvP S14, Elite: Xenarach + Dead Bot
Stealth Bot [R]Robot + Warrior
Dezinger[L]Elite Version: Dezinger + Android
Beetle Bot Robot + Beast
Monocerus [L]Not available, Elite: Monocerus + Android
Taurider[Z]No Elite
Colossus Robot + Alien
Libraro [Z]Shop only(No Elite)
InvadronElite: Invadron + Android
Virgon [Z]Shop only(No Elite)
Deus Machina [R]Robot + Demon
Autonorush[L]Elite: Autonorush + Android
Halbeard[L]Elite: Halbeard + Android
MutantGenesMutant Combinations
Beast Elite: Beast + Kaiju Kitty
Easter GunnyUnique, no elite
Kaiju Kitty Beast + Beast
Master Splitter PvP S12, Elite: Master Splitter + Beast
Psychoboar[L]Elite: Psychoboar + Kaiju Kitty
Rakshasa [R]Beast + Warrior
Leohart [Z]Shop only(No Elite)
CézanneLimited Time: Mutant Slots
Cerberus Beast + Zombie
Zombat PvP S4, Elite: Zombat + Beast
Cobrakai[L]Elite: Cobrakai + Leech Lord
Louis XVI[U]No Elite
Reptoid [R]Beast + Robot
Arachno PvP S3, Elites: Arachno + Android
MantidroidSpecific: Rakshasa + Stealth Bot
Parasite Queen Beast + Alien
SlashogPvP S21, Elite: Slashog + Parasite Queen
Cosmo Kong [L]Shop only
Genshiryoku[L]Elite: Genshiryoku + Astro Surfer
Dracus Nobilis [R]Beast + Demon
Satyr ShamanPvP S14, Elites: Satyr Shaman + Beast
Absolem[L]Elite: Absolem + Kaiju Kitty

MutantGenesMutant Combinations
Alien Elite: content_tooltip id=”131″] + Astro Surfer
Astro Surfer Alien + Alien
Super Novus PvP S9 – Elite: Super Novus + Astro Surfer
Master Oida[L]Elite: Master Oida + Astro Surfer
Bounty Bug Warrior + Alien
Behemoth PvP S7, Elite: Behemoth + Nordic Knightmare
Tutti Gooey [R]Alien + Zombie
Sirenia PvP S5, Elite: Sirenia + Leech Lord
Devourer[R]Specific Parents: Planet Cleaner + Zomborg
Planet Cleaner [R]Alien + Robot
Sentry [L]Shop only, Elite: Sentry + Android
Exo Fish[Z]No Elites
Xenos [R]Alien + Beast
Shell Shock PvP S8, Elite: Shell Shock + Astro Surfer
Wampara[L]Elite: Wampara + Kaiju Kitty
Nebulon Alien + Demon
Aquapunzel[Z]No Elites
MutantGenesMutant Combinations
Demon Elite: Demon + Pit Lord
SnowmageChristmas Special(No elite and not breedable)
Gandolphus [R]Demon + Warrior
Captain Peace Mutant Reactor(No Elites)
OriaxDownload Mutants App(iOS/Android)
Grim Reapress [R]Demon + Zombie
Prince Scorpion [Z]Shop Only(No Elites)
Anubis[L]Elite: Anubis + Leech Lord
Wicked Witch[L]PvP S27, Elite: Wicked Witch + Leech lord
Techno Taoist Demon + Robot
Mekali PvP S11, Elite:Mekali + Android
Bazzinger[L]Elite: Bazzinger + Android
Medusa Demon + Beast
Horus[R]Specific: Dracus Nobilis + Pit Lord
C’thlig [R]Demon + Alien
AzuriaPvP S13, Elite: Azuria + Astro Surfer
Space Princess[L]Elite: Space Princess + Astro Surfer
Pit Lord Demon + Demon
RetributionPvP S14, Elite: Retribution + Demon or Pit Lord
Blood Berry[L]Elite: Blood Berry + Pit Lord

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Who has any questions can send me a message on Facebook to Oliver Oliton .

The mutant of December is MEPHISTO

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